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For Donors
The American Rare
Donor Program
People with rare blood types depend on other people with similar rare blood types for blood products. Learn more about how you could change a life by donating to help patients with rare blood types.
For Educators
Bring Blood Donation
Into the Classroom
Access easy-to-implement lesson plans, teacher guide, and video to help students learn about the science of blood donation.

For Media
Media Resources
Ready to Download
Access graphics and b-roll for your stories, and view the latest statistics on the U.S. blood supply and its donors.
Donor Impact Stories

Hadden Carswell
"'Thank you' is simply not enough to express my gratitude for blood donors. Without donors like you, I would not be here."

Dikari Joseph
"If someone were scared to donate blood, I would say to do it. You never know whose life you might change. You gave me a chance to continue to live life to the fullest and seize every moment. I'm grateful."

Cassidy Hall
"Strangers have given us the last two years of our daughter's life and will likely give her the rest of her life. For us, blood donors have meant one more birthday, one more Christmas, every month with our precious baby girl."